Monday, February 26, 2018

awateas treashure


My prediction is that His name is Awatea he also might be 10 years old and in a river by the bank with his pet parrot.

I think this because there are crayfish and ive went to a fiver before and it had crayfish.The crayfish also might be the treasure  

I also think there might be a flood.Also i think it might be a rocky river.I also think he might find some treasure in the river that he finds.Maybe he might be trying to catch crayfish.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

My swimming experience term1

As I stomped into the glistening water,titan snuck up behind me like a ninja.
There are so many students in the shining liquid,i thought It was a pack of fish.Mr.
Russ Shouted”Swim to the other side without touching the ground”.

When he said that I knew it was going to be hard.Although it was
hard,i made it to the other side.After I finished doing freestyle,Mr.Russ
said”Since we've finished doing freestyle it's now time to do backstroke”.While
I was doing backstroke it was if I was laying in bed.

Before we started doing an activity,
I did some more freestyle.We done some more
freestyle because,it was exciting to do.Finally we needed
to get out.I was sad.Until max snuck up behind me.So we got dressed and we started
going back to school.