Thursday, March 16, 2017

Easter Island

  • Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes.
  • Edit and check your story on your own , with a buddy and have it checked by a teacher before you blog.

 Crash there was four men that fell out of the sky called Phoenix,Bison,Kingston and Jake.They went on a trip to Easter Island.We were excited but nervous at the same time Suddenly…… Peel Peel Peel went the banana boat chop chop went the tomato.”Help I am in the trickster tomato”Jake yelled.We ran after him but couldn't get him.The tomato was fast as a cheetah.Then we found a the creepy cave.
  “I wonder who's in there?”Bison answered.So we went in and discovered a person was making a hut out of bananas? So we made a plan, the plan is that we are going to get the bananas and make another boat out of the bananas we found.Then we brought the banana out and Kingston said “this boat only took 10 seconds to make”.
    “We forgot about Jake” Bison said. But then he was chilling out on the beach.”Come on let's go and sail around the sea now”Phoenix said.”But I was just about to see a shark eat someone”Jake said.
 We have too but then someone picked us up and put us in a freezer.

Monday, March 6, 2017

HB fire story

                   Hawke’s Bay Fire
Huge fire sparks State of emergency

Flames horrify residents

Bang went the wonderful house!!The huge house was burnt and buried into the hard ground.The people were sad because there stuff was gone.The fire was as big as a tall tree.”That fire was huge” my mum said.The fire was super big. The big bucket of water was taking out the fire.There was firetrucks,helicopters and fire trucks from other countries.Crash went the house falling down!!